About Us

Hi there,
We're happy you're here!
We're committed to providing you with quality products and a great customer experience, while supporting our pollinating friends. In case you didn't already know, bees are amazing little creatures that play a big role in providing many of the foods we eat and in keeping the Earth in bloom.
If you would like to help the pollinators we encourage you to consider:
Learning about native pollinators and their habitat, pollinator.org and xerces.org have info on this
Supporting local beekeepers by buying local honey, abcbees.com and beeculture.com can help locate a beekeeper near you
Planting a bee garden (don't forget to include a bee bath), thehoneybeeconservancy.org, honeylove.org and beespotter.org have info to get you started
Finding environmentally friendly alternatives to pesticides and herbicides, fix.com and foodunfolded.com provide info
Calling an area bee expert to humanely remove and relocate swarms and hives instead of destroying them beverlybees.com and honeybees911.com are just two of many sites providing info about this
Thanks for stopping by,
The Bees Please Designs Team
Organizations we donate to: